One of the most important programs of the Three Lakes Council is our regular monitoring of the water quality of each of the three lakes. The primary research program that provides us this information is Citizens Statewide Lake Assessment Program – CSLAP. We supplement the normal CSLAP sampling with “shoulder season” sampling. In addition, we collect samples for algae and harmful algal bloom (HAB) water quality analysis. Results of the HAB sampling are included in the CSLAP reports.
CSLAP is a NYS program to assess lake water quality across the state. Volunteers make physical observations and sample the waters of our lakes. Water samples are sent to certified labs for analysis. We provide each year’s report for documentation and historical purposes. The scope of testing has changed over time to reflect DEC’s changing view of important parameters and the use of visual assessment to identify harmful algal blooms.
CSLAP 2024
The scorecard below was prepared from data in the reports. Overall, our lakes had a typical to slightly better than typical year, according to our data. Click on the year link to see the lake report.

Waccabuc 2024
Oscaleta 2024
Rippowam 2024
CSLAP 2023
DEC did not prepare a scorecard this year so this scorecard was prepared from the data in the reports. Overall, the data was fairly typical for our lakes. DEC has changed to a visual assessment of harmful algal blooms so blooms are not well represented in our data this year and going forward. Click on the year to see the report for that lake.

Waccabuc 2023
Oscaleta 2023
Rippowam 2023
CSLAP 2022
The summary scorecard indicates that 2022 was a fairly typical year for our lakes.

When you click the links below for the 2022 CSLAP reports, the report will display as a web page. Clicking on the links midway down the page will show more pages with additional information.
Waccabuc 2022
Oscaleta 2022
Rippowam 2022
CSLAP 2021
The reports for 2021 display as a web page. Click on the links to see the different pages and information in the report. The summary scorecard shows that 2021 was a worse than typical year for water quality on our lakes. More details are in each of the lake reports. Links to the individual reports are below the summary scorecard.

Waccabuc 2021
Oscaleta 2021
Rippowam 2021
CSLAP 2020
Waccabuc reported harmful algal blooms in July of 2020: the other two lakes did not. The trend analysis shows phosphorus and the temperature of the upper water layer is increasing on all three lakes. Links to the individual reports are below the summary scorecard for our three lakes.

Waccabuc 2020 report
Oscaleta 2020 report
Rippowam 2020 report
CSLAP 2019
The 2019 CSLAP reports provide graphic descriptions of the lake conditions over the year and some information on trends compared to past sampling years. No harmful algal blooms were seen. Waccabuc’s clarity was better than typical, Oscaleta was about average, and Rippowam’s clarity was worse than a typical year.
Waccabuc 2019 report
Oscaleta 2019 report
Rippowam 2019 report
CSLAP 2018
The 2018 CSLAP reports remain visually oriented, with a summary and guide to the report towards the end. The reports show the summer bloom on Waccabuc and the late season blooms on Oscaleta and Rippowam. Waccabuc’s first algal sample had toxins above criteria.
Waccabuc 2018 report
Oscaleta 2018 report
Rippowam 2018 report
CSLAP 2017
The 2017 CSLAP reports follow the 2016 format – short and graphical. At the end of each report is a short guide on how to read the report. In 2017, none of our lakes had a reported algal bloom, so those sections of the report look a bit bare – but it’s good news.
Waccabuc report
Oscaleta report
Rippowam report
CSLAP 2016
The 2016 CSLAP reports are short and graphical, and show trends. Each report has a section at the end on how to read and interpret the report. A Lower Hudson regional report has more descriptive analysis and compares results on our lakes to others in the state and region.
Waccabuc Report
Oscaleta Report
Rippowam Report
CSLAP 2015
The 2015 CSLAP reports can be accessed from the links below. We have a one-page executive summary in Q&A form, a scorecard, and a full report for each lake.
Waccabuc: Q&A, Report, and Scorecard
Oscaleta: Q&A, Report, and Scorecard
Rippowam: Q&A, Report, and Scorecard
CSLAP 2014
The 2014 CSLAP summary reports and scorecards are available at the links below. New this year: a one page Q&A executive summary for each lake, posted separately. Also, the reports contain a view of the algae distributions found at the CSLAP sample sites near the deepest spot of each lake. Algae components of any shoreline bloom samples submitted are also in the report, see Appendix D.
Waccabuc Q&A, Report, and Scorecard
Oscaleta Q&A, Report, and Scorecard
Rippowam Q&A, Report, and Scorecard
CSLAP 2013
The 2013 CSLAP summary reports and scorecards are available at the links below. New for all lakes this year: trend charts on key indicators. See the last 2 pages of each report. The reports are worth a quick read.
Waccabuc Report and Scorecard
Oscaleta Report and Scorecard
Rippowam Report and Scorecard
CSLAP 2012
In 2012, Lake Waccabuc continued in the program, while Lakes Oscaleta and Rippowam “rotated out” for a year. The Three Lakes Council collected similar water quality data for the lakes that rotated out but did not generate a report on those lakes. Access the Lake Waccabuc Report and Scorecard by clicking the links. New this year in the report are the results of tests for toxins in algal blooms.
CSLAP 2011
The 2011 CSLAP scorecards and summary reports are available at the links below.
Waccabuc Report and Scorecard
Oscaleta Report and Scorecard
Rippowam Report and Scorecard
CSLAP 2010
Our 2010 CSLAP reports include a scorecard providing a visual summary of lake conditions.
Waccabuc Report and Scorecard
Oscaleta Report and Scorecard
Rippowam Report and Scorecard
There is a guide to the criteria used for the scorecard.
CSLAP 2009
The CSLAP reports for 2009 have a different format, with short write-ups on each of our lakes, and a lengthy report for the downstate region (2.8M). Get the short write ups at the links below.
2009 Lake Waccabuc CSLAP report
2009 Lake Oscaleta CSLAP report
2009 Lake Rippowam CSLAP report
CSLAP 2008 Reports
A summary of the 2008 reports is available here.
The full 2008 CSLAP reports, each over 100 pages in length, are below.
2008 Lake Waccabuc CSLAP Report
2008 Lake Oscaleta CSLAP Report
2008 Lake Rippowam CSLAP Report
CSLAP 2007 Reports
The 2007 reports are somewhat abridged compared to prior reports. A summary is also provided.
2007 Waccabuc Report
2007 Oscaleta Report
2007 Rippowam Report
CSLAP 2006 Reports
Three Lakes Council started sampling all of the lakes as part of this NYS DEC program in 2006. The reports are lengthy and include comparisons to all NY lakes that are part of this study. The summary is an overview of the findings and recommendations.
CSLAP 2006 Three Lakes Summary (10 pages)
2006 Lake Waccabuc (82 pages)
2006 Lake Oscaleta (75 pages)
2006 Lake Rippowam (79 pages)
CSLAP Waccabuc Prior Years
Lake Waccabuc was one of the initial lakes in the CSLAP program when it started in 1986, and continued as part of the program until 1996. Unfortunately, we haven’t found all of the reports. The ones we have are available here and we will continue to look for the missing reports.
CSLAP 1993 Lake Waccabuc
CSLAP 1989 Lake Waccabuc
CSLAP 1987 Lake Waccabuc