2023 Reports

To be good lake stewards, we monitor the health of our lake ecosystems. This requires assessments of physical characteristics, chemical analysis of our lake waters, and quantification of our biological….

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New reports posted

New reports on our 2021 Waccabuc plant survey and 2021 algae and zooplankton results are posted! For plants, submersed vegetation was present at about as many locations as previous locations,….

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Watershed plan review

On October 25, 2019, Michael Martin, CLM, presented the 2019 proposed watershed plan to the community at the Waccabuc Country Club Carriage House. Over 70 members of the community brought….

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Lake turnover

Turnover You might know about lake turnover – but just in case, here’s a quick review. Differences in the temperature of lake water keep the water column from mixing for….

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